Happy New Year 2014
To kick off the new year, how about some surreal steampunk-robotic-mime-influenced neo-vaudeville from a group called Steam Powered Girraffe: Diamonds in the Sky cover
To kick off the new year, how about some surreal steampunk-robotic-mime-influenced neo-vaudeville from a group called Steam Powered Girraffe: Diamonds in the Sky cover
While a lot of my blogging focuses on topics of religion and politics, long-time readers of my blog know that I have many other interests. One of those interests is puppetry. I’ve been performing as a puppeteer alongside my wife, … Continue reading
I really hadn’t played much ping-pong (table tennis) until last year when the company I work for purchased a ping-pong table for employees to use during breaks. When you sit at a desk for most of the day programming software, … Continue reading
By virtue of my own cantankerosity, I hereby ordain and establish the 3rd day of October (being the 10th month of the Gregorian calendar despite its name) as International Language Nazi Day. Henceforth, on every October 3rd, all those who … Continue reading
When evaluating potential U. S. Presidents, it’s always important to avoid making choices based on superficial or transitory qualities. That is why I put together this handy little graphic to help settle one of the most persistent issues of the upcoming … Continue reading
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