Sixteen Small Stones

The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival 2007

The 18th annual Timpanogos Storytelling Festival starts tomorrow, August 30th in Orem, Utah and continues through Saturday, September 1st.

Image: Storyteller

The storytelling festival is absolutely awesome! If you have never been, and can be in Utah County this week, it really is worth checking out.

Every year, they invite ten or so of the most accomplished national and even international storytellers to come to Utah to teach workshops and perform for the festival. The festival is well known among professional storytellers, and each year the tellers comment on how impressive the event is when compared to similar events nation wide. Thousands of people attend.

Most of the daytime events are held at the beautiful new Mt. Timpanogos Park, just up the mouth of Provo Canyon, which Orem City built specifically for the festival. Large evening performances are in the SCERA Shell Amphitheater at SCERA Park in Orem.

My Puppetry Troupe, Maxed Out Puppetry, has performed as part of the festival as local entertainment, for at least six years.

Image: Maxed Out Puppetry - Puppets

This year, though, we have the first-time opportunity to provide the pre-show entertainment for the Bedtime Stories event on Friday Night at 5:30pm. It should be a ton of fun.

Additionally I will be performing briefly on Saturday Morning at 11:00am with local, professional Mime, Joe Flores. Joe has been teaching me mime on and off for the last few years, and I have performed with him periodically before. Mime is such a cool form for theater. And the kids love it.

Image: Joe Flores, Mime

If you have never been to the festival before, I recommend going to the “Laughin’ Night” event at the SCERA Shell on Saturday night. The ten featured storytellers each tell their funniest stories. You’ll laugh until you choke. Tickets for just that event are available.

You can find out all about the festival at .

See you there!

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