I don’t have anything to say about the movie, but I was struck by how much Matthew Fox looked like current Mormmon Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. If Romney is ever elected President of the United States, my money is on Fox to play Romney in whatever theatrical creation eventually results.
So what about the other current candidates or potential candidates? If any of them were to become President, who would play them in the inevitable movie that will someday be created?
- Michele Bachmann
- Herman Cain
- Newt Gringrich
- Jon Huntsman
- Ron Paul
- Tim Pawlenty
- Rick Santorum
- John Bolton
- Rudy Giuliani
- Sarah Palin
- Rick Perry
- Paul Ryan
- Chris Christie
Who will play President Obama? (I don’t want him to win a 2nd term, but since he has already won a first term he’s sure to get a movie.)
Make your nominations for the actor to play any of these candidates.